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Lightbend Java Language - Futures

This course teaches Java developers how to use CompletableFutures to create async, non-blocking operations.




About This Course

Java 8 introduced us to Java CompletableFutures. CompletableFutures are a way to isolate operations to a separate thread of execution. They allow us to create asynchronous, non-blocking operations, which are an important part of building Reactive systems. They also allow us to isolate blocking operations to their own threadpool which can help reduce contention in the system and improve resource usage.

In this course you will learn about blocking operations, and how they impact the efficiency of your system. You will see how CompletableFutures can be used to isolate blocking operations, and how to transform those futures over time. You will also see how Executors can be used to control the threadpool that is used to execute a future.

Earn this Badge

Successful completion of this course will entitle you to the following badge:

Course Syllabus

  • Blocking Operations
  • Futures (CompletableFuture)
  • Transforming Futures
  • Executors

General Information

  • This course is free.
  • It is self-paced.
  • It can be taken at any time.

Course Length

  • Approximately 2 hours


  • This course assumes that students are familiar with the Java language
  • Knowledge of features such as Java collections and generics is required.
  • You do not need to know about CompletableFutures, CompletionStages, or Executors.
  • You will be working with Maven. A basic knowledge of Maven is assumed.

Course Staff

Wade Waldron

Wade Waldron

Wade Waldron is the Director of Training at Lightbend.

Wade started his career as a developer in 2005 building games for the Playstation 2, Xbox, etc. In 2011 he joined Point2 Homes where he began working on an Akka based microservices platform to provide realtime updates to real estate websites. In 2014 Wade joined BoldRadius where he consulted with a variety of companies on how to use Akka, and related technologies. He also began teaching courses on Akka and Scala.

In 2016, Wade released a book "Applied Akka Patterns" along with his co-author Michael Nash

Today Wade works with Lightbend where he consults with clients and builds training materials. He focuses on helping people make a smooth transition from a monolithic application to Reactive microservices.
