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Lightbend Akka Streams for Scala - Professional

This course will show you how to use Akka Streams to build streaming applications.




About This Course

Akka Streams enables the consumption of streaming data, in a fully non-blocking, asynchronous manner. It also allows us to consume that data while providing non-blocking backpressure to prevent mailbox overflows.

Your goal is to learn the components that make up the Akka Streams API, how they interact and how to optimize Akka Streams performance. We will see a broad range of different Akka Streams components and have a chance to use many of them.

Earn this Badge

Successful completion of this course will entitle you to the following badge:

Course Syllabus

  • Introduction to Streams
  • Sources
  • Sinks
  • Flows
  • Runnable Graphs
  • Fault Tolerance
  • Graphs
  • Fusion
  • Performance Tuning Streams with Fusion Optimization

General Information

  • This course is only available to Lightbend Subscribers. For more information, see
  • It is self-paced.
  • It can be taken at any time.
  • The materials can be reviewed as many times as you want.

Course Length

  • Approximately 10 hours


  • This course assumes that students are familiar with the Scala language. You will need to understand concepts such as classes, objects, functions (including partial functions) etc.
  • You will leverage operations similar to those in the Scala collections API. Knowledge of the collections API is expected.
  • You will need concepts from Akka Actors. A basic knowledge of Actors, Dispatchers, and Mailboxes is required.
  • This course makes use of SBT. However, only a minimal amount of SBT knowledge is required.
  • You will need Lightbend Commercial Credentials to complete the exercises.

Course Staff

Wade Waldron

Wade Waldron

Wade Waldron is the Director of Training at Lightbend.

Wade started his career as a developer in 2005 building games for the Playstation 2, Xbox, etc. In 2011 he joined Point2 Homes where he began working on an Akka based microservices platform to provide realtime updates to real estate websites. In 2014 Wade joined BoldRadius where he consulted with a variety of companies on how to use Akka, and related technologies. He also began teaching courses on Akka and Scala.

In 2016, Wade released a book "Applied Akka Patterns" along with his co-author Michael Nash

Today Wade works with Lightbend where he consults with clients and builds training materials. He focuses on helping people make a smooth transition from a monolithic application to Reactive microservices.
